Wild and Precious Life
What will you do with this one wild and precious life?
Will you settle into a comfortable routine
And watch yourself age out of everything
You ever wanted to do?
Will you numb yourself in pleasures
Until you aren’t conscious enough to notice
That your life-force is moving on
To a better host?
Will you live in a delusional reality
In which you are the good guy
Saving the world while enemies
Unfairly attack you from all sides?
Will you isolate yourself in fear of making mistakes,
Never trying anything new because
It just might disrupt your fragile little world?
Will you stay busy working, playing, socializing,
Such that you never have to hear your inner thoughts or feelings
Begging for you to listen?
Will you roll up your sleeves and engage?
Listen to the instinct driving you and obey?
Listen to the need of society and help in your own special way?
Will you follow your bliss until it gives you blisters
and even then, you don’t let go?
Will you dive into the depths and the darkness
Until your eyes learn to see in the dark and you grow gills?
Will you face the fire until someone hands you a shield to deflect it,
And the heat inspires you to build a tool to direct it,
And fuel your alchemy?
Will you charge after your fears,
Chasing them down until they submit to you
And finally grant you the blessing you need to feel whole?
Will you use up every ounce of life within you
Because you know
There’s no better way to live
This one wild and precious life?