Down The Rabbit Hole
I’m beginning to connect all the dots:
The powers that be planned all of this out.
All the events that seem to have too many influencing factors to trace a single cause to, they were actually controlled precisely by the secret ruling elite.
Even though my brain is hard-wired to create stories that explain the causal relationship of things in order to feel a semblance of predictability and control, I’m sure this isn’t a cognitive bias at all but “truth” because my vagus nerve tingles when I think it.
So this elite that I’ve never met and no one I know has ever met, they for sure exist because I read and believed a story online written by someone with no accountability but a vested interest in getting famous.
This source is way more credible than all the “fake news” journalists who are vetted by each other, whose careers are built on exposing scandals, corruption, and conspiracies, whose careers would be ended if they were ever caught fabricating a story because their parent companies are large conglomerates who must be paying them off or threatening them to do and say what the elites want. And none of these journalists have the moral backbone to buck this 1984 ministry of truth system of control by simply publishing anywhere on the web about this amazing conspiracy story that, if there were factual evidence to back it up, everyone would want to read it.
You’d think that free-market capitalism or political factions might create checks and balances and that some powers would challenge the others. But no, the elites are too powerful and smart. They control all of them — this centralized power is how there are never any real leaks. Anyone who discovers or gets in the way of their plans gets discredited or killed, or they have them blackmailed so they will keep quiet. They’ve got everyone under control, except me and my friends.
We are a plucky bunch of amateur detectives, armchair historians wielding a powerful new tool we call skepticism. Of course, we don’t need to apply skepticism to the stories that prove our conspiracy narrative. Our intuition, which I define as a magical truth-telling device, helps us know things while the world’s experts are lost in the details of the actual scientific process and excessive book reading and source verification. What a waste of time! They are all fools, except for the few fringe scientists who also believe this narrative… They are one of us.
Now, you may be thinking that this sounds religious or cultish. I assure you, that is not the case. You are just addicted to the sense of reality you’ve spent your lifetime building. I imagine that, like me, you haven’t really used skepticism before to question your reality. Trust me, nothing is as it seems. And that feels so exciting! Let go of the consensus reality designed to blind you and join me on this journey of discovery — it’s not religious, trust me. It starts with questioning why disease experts told us not to wear masks, and then to wear them. If they are experts, how could they change their minds? If they were really experts, they would know everything in advance, like oracles. Clearly, they lied to us.
Now all you have to do is keep asking the simple non-leading question, “what if that’s just a cover story for corruption and a centralized group of elites is really controlling everything?”
Let go of your lifetime of building a contextual paradigm — that’s all brainwashing. Look at all the unexplained phenomenon in the world with this new lens. What really happened at 9–11, the Kennedy assassination, Roswell? Are they covering up aliens, the city of Atlantis, secret technology in the Egyptian pyramids? Nicola Tesla was blackballed by Edison — his real technology must have been suppressed by the elite.
As you seek specific answers to these questions, don’t bother with any trusted sources like an encyclopedia or professional historians or journalism — the elite got to all of them. Just search the internet for whatever the algorithm gives you based on previous searches for other conspiracy theories. This is called the rabbit hole.
It’s called the rabbit hole because you just keep digging in the dark for more dots to connect while ignoring any “common sense” from naysayers or your former understanding of reality.
The experience is revelatory because as you give up your old sense of reality, your perspective shifts, invoking a rush of novelty that the midbrain loves, releasing chemicals throughout your body. As you release your old reality, your intuition searches for patterns in this new uncharted reality, and when it does, it releases more pleasurable chemicals. We call this the feeling of knowing.
You could interpret this as a spiritual experience, what many have called a come-to-Jesus moment. It is a long-awaited release of mental control that feels blissful, particularly when you live in a culture that dominates feelings and intuition with rationality. Rationality’s stranglehold on you is being shaken, particularly during the pandemic. You feel called to your shadow work, to rip off band-aids and delusions, and be honest with yourself for the first time in a long time, so you won’t be dissuaded from your path. You keep following this idea of “truth” which gives you a feeling of reaching something beyond the human plane. That’s why you keep digging your way down the rabbit hole.
As spiritual masters have realized, this euphoric state doesn’t last forever. Eventually, no matter how deep you dig, context must re-enter the picture. You now have to take what you’ve learned from your journey, from going out of your mind, and integrate it into your contextual reality. This means remembering the worldview you spent a lifetime building and then update that paradigm. Some realizations won’t fit and others will replace old beliefs.
If you want to engage in civic discourse, you will have to find common ground with others on which to build a consensus reality from which to act. Otherwise, you will get nothing done. And no man is an island.
In the end, you will be glad you went down the rabbit hole because it changed you in a way that little else could. But don’t cling to the stories — many of them were metaphoric ideas that resonated with you energetically. They may be factually incorrect and have no proper place in the outer world. You may have freaked out your friends by declaring a reality that has no factual basis. And it is possible that in this era of disinformation, political factions took advantage of your traceable online rabbit hole experience to plant their ideological agenda into your mind, turning liberals into Republicans, for example. If you actually voted against your values, applying your break from reality into civic engagement, you may become quite ashamed later on, particularly if it adversely affected the world.
But don’t let caution get in your way! I don’t! I don’t know what critical thinking really is anyway; I just like to use the term to tell people I’m smarter than them.